Below you will find helpful resources to equip you for your personal Bible Study and spiritual growth. We have categorized the different Bible translations and books by from 1-3 (1 being more accessible to those who may be newer to their apprenticeship to Jesus and 3 being more challenging for those who are older in their apprenticeship to Jesus). If you would like to purchase a book, click on the image and you will be directed to a new website to purchase.



a note about translations

Although there are a variety of Bible translations, we have selected three that we believe are the most helpful depending on where you are in your spiritual journey: the New Living Translation, the New English Translation, and the English Standard Version. The New Living Translation is thought-for-thought and is considered one of the most easily readable. The English Standard Version is a word-for-word literal translation that is at a slightly higher reading level. Lastly, the New English Translation is for those that are further along in their spiritual journey as it is thought for thought with in depth translation notes.



Below you will find books that will help equip you in your spiritual journey. The topics range from prayer, to community, to discipleship, to spiritual habits. Similar to the Study Bibles, we have ranked them from 1-3 depending on where you are in your walk with Jesus. Level 1 books are easy for anyone to read and understand, while Level 3 may be more appropriate for those that have been practicing the way of Jesus for a longer period of time. If you would like to purchase a book or are curious to know more about it, simply click on the photo. Forum Christian Church does not benefit from any book purchases.










There are additional books that we recommend for parents and families with kids. Click the button below to discover more age-appropriate resources.