What Do You Say?


What do you say to a group of students that are getting ready to embark on the next exciting chapter of their lives in college, the workforce, or serving our country? What do you say to a group of students that their senior year didn’t end exactly how they had planned? What do you say to a group of students that have had a major impact on their family, their friends, their church family, and their city? What do you say to a group of students that have lived out their faith on the sports field, in the school hallways, and around their peers? What do you say? 

The Class of 2020 lost a lot this semester: games, tournaments, full sports seasons, class time, goodbyes with friends, musical performances, prom, baccalaureate, and graduation that was supposed to take place this weekend. But that’s not what these students need to hear - they need to hear how proud we are of them and their accomplishments. They need to know that we stand with them during this season of unknowns and uncertainties. They need to know that we are saddened with them over what was lost but we celebrate with them in what’s to come. 

These students are going to colleges all over the United States, some of them are going into the workforce, and some of them are going to defend our country. They’re leaving home, they’re being sent out - like Saul (Paul) and Barnabas were sent out on their missionary journey in Acts 13. The church at Antioch gathered around them, prayed for them, and encouraged them as they carried the Gospel to the world. 

Let a graduate know how proud you are of them. Join me in congratulating the Class of 2020 and praying for them as they go out into the world. I have seen the Class of 2020 love and live like Jesus for the last 6 years and I can’t wait to see where God leads them next. 


High School Pastor