What Is the Proper Response?

In last week's message, we went through the first thirteen verses of Ephesians 3. While we covered a lot of material and pushed into some challenging components, we didn't have time to explore an exciting truth that the Apostle Paul explores in verse 8, which reads:

Though I am the least deserving of all God's people, he graciously gave me the privilege of telling the Gentiles about the endless treasures available to them in Christ.

The language is striking and convicting. To envision one of the earliest apostles as humbled, honored, and privileged to share a message that ultimately landed him in prison is something to consider seriously. If you knew telling someone about the resurrected Christ would land you in jail, would you still do it? To take that one step further, not just sharing your faith to the extent of incarceration, but to hold the posture and attitude of gratefulness and privilege - takes the depth of that verse to a whole other level.

Have you ever considered the simple fact that we 'get' to share the reality of truth, the Gospel, the message of salvation through Jesus? What a great honor to even be considered worthy of bearing such incredible hope.

Maybe you are like me, and that one simple fact has eluded your heart. Maybe like me, you have inadvertently grown comfortable with the most significant responsibility of our lives. Maybe you are like me and thinking - what is the proper response to such a tremendous gift?

I think that is where verse 14 through verse 21 come into play. Paul says,

When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. Ephesians 3:14-15

Maybe the only proper response is worship-filled reverence and awe displayed through the posture of submission. To fall to our knees and declare the greatness and glory of God the Father, the Creator of the universe.

Will you join me this weekend, at some point, and bow down low to the ground in humble submission to our King. Thank Him for His greatness, and then make your requests known to Him from that place. From that place, I will be praying for you and asking God to make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him.

See you Sunday.


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