The Friday Five

Here are five quick things to encourage and challenge you this weekend.

  1. Something to Consider

    • Our current series is entitled 'Next Steps.' We are consistently asking the question how do I grow in my faith? Let me ask you bluntly - what does your next step of faith look like practically?

  2. An Upcoming Event

    • Church members are invited to our annual membership meeting in the auditorium on February 12 at 1 pm. Come and hear how God has been at work through Forum over the past year!

  3. A New Song

    • We have begun singing a new song during our gatherings and the feedback we are receiving lets us know it is resonating with a lot of people. You can check it out here to see the artist who wrote it.

  4. A Passage to Read: Acts 1:8

    • But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. This Sunday, we will explore this verse and a few others in the book of Acts where that language of 'witness' dominates the life of the earliest believers.

  5. A Prayer

    • Join me in praying this weekend for God to impress the words of Jesus (from Acts 1:8) into our hearts, and join me in asking God to let our witness shine like a bright light amid the dark world surrounding us.

I am praying for you this weekend and looking forward to seeing you in person or online!


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