Overly Generous

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As 2019 fades ever more into the background of our minds and our lives, I wanted to highlight three essential figures from this past year:

  1. Over the Christmas season, we set a goal of $20,000 to help High Hill Christian Camp reach more kids with the Gospel. While we didn't quite hit that goal - we came close with a total of $15,728. That is so encouraging and is an investment in the lives of children for years and years to come. 

  2. Giving to the building fund saw the same kind of generosity with $258,447 being given. While technically our building campaign ended in November (you can watch our Celebration Sunday here), giving to the fund remains steady, as the leadership team, along with many others, continue to move us forward to a debt-free facility. 

  3. Tithes and offerings for the past year exceeded our projections with a total of $2,190,814.  

As we closed out 2019 from a financial standpoint, we saw a single thread of consistency emerge across all Forum economic indicators - generosity is a core value in our church family. Beyond High Hill and our building fund, many other areas of the world were impacted by your generosity as you can see here: https://www.myforum.me/missions. We thank God for how He is blessing so many through the generosity of others!

Elizabeth CoheaComment