
A few weeks ago we sent out a survey and I want to say thank you to the nearly 500 individuals and families who completed it. It helps us to see what I think many of us are feeling and thinking and more specifically what the thoughts are surrounding our re-entry to in-person gatherings.

The survey, insights from the medical community and health professionals, information from our state and local officials, as well as a lot of prayer and discussion have led our leadership team to decide that, for the month of June, we will continue to focus our worship at our in-home gatherings which we are now calling Forum at Home. We will not resume our in-person gatherings at least for the month of June.

We have been so encouraged by your continued support, prayers, and partnership to help us impact our community with the message and love of Jesus. Staying engaged in living out our faith, growing closer to God, and reaching out to others is more important than ever before.

While we won’t be gathering at Forum for the month of June, we will be gathering in homes all across the city. Let me encourage you to start inviting people from your life group, your circle of friends, other family members, or your neighbors over to your house on Sunday mornings to safely join us for Forum at Home. If that sounds strange to you, makes you a little uncomfortable, or you are hesitant to take that next step, click the Forum at Home button below and take a look at the host of resources designed to help you be successful at hosting Forum at Home.

We have some fun things planned for the coming weeks - new ways to engage in our community and with one another - so stay tuned. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
