A Quick Devotional Thought

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Psalm 104 is a phenomenal passage to read and think through this weekend. Let me give you a sneak peek of what you will find:

They all depend on you
    to give them food as they need it.
When you supply it, they gather it.
    You open your hand to feed them,
    and they are richly satisfied.
But if you turn away from them, they panic.
    When you take away their breath,
    they die and turn again to dust.
When you give them your breath, life is created,
    and you renew the face of the earth.

What a fresh reminder to us all in whom we can depend on, and to whom we can look to find our strength. We can easily forget, amid all that life throws at us, who sits enthroned in sovereign majesty.

My favorite part of the Psalm comes at the end of verse 35 - β€œlet all that I am praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!”

I pray you find some encouragement today in the word of God and that you will join us this weekend for Forum at Home!

- Bradley

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