Save the Date

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For the past 16 weeks, we have not had in-person gatherings. 16 weeks has felt like 16 months.

I am thankful to work on a team that has found innovative ways to help others stay connected to Jesus through online services, Zoom, community outreach projects, kids and student events, handwritten notes, emails, flamingos, mask making, and many many other things.

I am also thankful to announce our re-entry plans to gather in person on July 19. The Sunday before is going to be unique, and it will serve as a trial run. We are inviting our leadership team and volunteers, and our staff will fill the positions usually managed by volunteers. That way, we can test our new programs, including the reservation system, live stream platform, and simultaneous service offering, in order to identify areas where we need to change or modify our process.We want to make sure that by July 19, when we are officially re-gathering for everyone, we have done our very best to create a seamless and contact-free service. Here are some essential details:

  1. July 19, we are re-gathering in-person!

  2. We will continue to have ‘Forum at Home’ with live stream options at 9 and 11 with an on-demand service available Sunday afternoon. 

  3. Sunday morning in-person service times will be at 9 and 11.

  4. Services will be in the Auditorium and the Family Life Center (FLC) simultaneously. 

  5. The service at 9 in the FLC will be a Family Worship Service geared towards families with young children - click here for more info.

  6. We will have a reservation system set up for you to ‘save a seat’ the Tuesday before each gathering. 

  7. We will not be offering any separate Sunday morning gatherings for Forum Kids, Forum Students, Sunday Classes, or Life Groups.

We have worked in partnership with City of Columbia officials to go beyond the requirements to create a socially distanced, contact-free service.
Stay tuned for more details in next week's Inside Forum and please join us in praying as the Apostle Paul did in Ephesians 1:

I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance. I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him.

- Bradley